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NeuroStar Advanced Therapy
Tap Into A New Possibility

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique used to treat individuals with certain psychiatric conditions. It is FDA cleared for the treatment of depression and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). In research settings, it is being explored as a treatment for other conditions including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), addiction, and chronic pain. 

With NeuroStar, All You Have to Do Is Show Up

Mental health phrase made of wooden letters on white table side view. Raising awareness of

NeuroStar Advanced Therapy for Mental Health​

A Drug-free Depression Treatment

That Works For You

Access Your Level of Depression

Patient Health Questionnaire

This Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-10) is a fast and simple way to assess your level of depression, and help determine if you may be suffering from a depressive disorder.

Girl Sitting

This questionnaire is not to be considered a medical diagnosis. After completing your questionnaire, please call our TMS Coordinator at (281) 586-0747.


The Time To Defeat Depression is Now
call our office for more information
TMS Consulation: (281) 586-0747
Real Patient Testimonial
A colorful heart made of symbolic autism puzzle pieces_edited_edited_edited_edited_edited.

James R. Wright III, MD, PA

14340 Torrey Chase Blvd, Suite 325

Houston, Texas 77014


Initial Intake Required

Call our

TMS Coordinator:

(281) 586-0747

Our Address

James R. Wright III, MD, PA

14340 Torrey Chase Blvd, Suite 325

Houston, Texas 77014

Office: (281) 586-0747

Fax: (281) 537-8320


"By Appointment Only"


Office Hours


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 4:30 pm


​Lunch/Closed Daily:

11:00 am - noon



Saturday & Sunday

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